Nächste Station: grüne Mobilität in Europa

Die International Entrepreneurs' Night ist UnternehmerTUMs einzigartiger Treffpunkt für Münchens unternehmerisches Netzwerk und internationale Gäste. Sie findet zweimal im Jahr statt. In jeder Ausgabe präsentieren wir internationale Vorbild-Städte, die ihre Strategie für Innovation und Entrepreneurship vorstellen.

Hier dreht sich alles darum, das Münchner Startup-Ökosystem mit internationalen Städten zu verbinden, um voneinander zu lernen und Innovationen durch einen wertvollen Austausch voranzutreiben. Wir laden Start-ups, Branchen-Unternehmen, Kapitalgebende und Menschen mit unternehmerischem Mindset nach München ein. Seid dabei und diskutiert mit, wie können wir Verbesserungen in den Städten, eine bessere Lebensqualität für die Einwohner und Geschäftsmöglichkeiten für Unternehmen erreichen. Wie können wir einen positiven Impact schaffen — für heute und die Zukunft? Zusammen gehen wir den neuesten Themen, Trends und Geschäftschancen für Unternehmen nach.

2022 - 25: Fokus auf Mobilität

Unser Fokus auf Mobilität wird fortgesetzt! Wir bringen Expertinnen und Experten sowie Pitches auf die Bühne. Start-ups aus unserem europäischen Netzwerk zeigen ihre Ideen für die Mobilität von morgen. Alles dreht sich erneut um Erfolgsrezepte: Die International Entrepreneurs' Night ist eine Plattform für die Zukunft der Mobilität. Hier stellen sich Städte vor, die in der Lage sind, die großen Herausforderungen von heute und morgen zu bewältigen.

Nächste Veranstaltung

International Entrepreneurs' Night meets citizen mobility am 24. Juli 2024

Die nächste International Entrepreneurs' Night findet am 24. Juli 2024 im Munich Urban Colab statt. Merkt euch den Termin vor und seid gespannt auf unsere große Summer Edition in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Digital Hub Mobility!

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Bisherige Partner

AHK France logo
Blox Hub
Canwordmark colour
Canadian Technology Accelerator EN
AE Partner
DHM Logo Web color
DTU Skylab
SG Singapore
Schweizerisches Generalkonsulat
EIT Urban Mobility EU logo
Imperial college london logo vector
Ministry of the Economy Tourism and Sport logotype
Logo Generalkonsulat

Vergangene Editionen

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Mobility #Slovenia

22.11.2023: Mobility #Slovenia

For this event, we focused on a whole country #Slovenia, in collaboration with our partner, the Slovenian Consulate General and Ministry of Economy. Together, we showcased the pioneering solutions in mobility from a beautiful and historical yet very innovative country. Five unique mobility start-ups presented their solutions. At the networking, we celebrated the impactful gathering of two mobility start-up ecosystems.

Partner: Slovenian Consulate General & Ministry of Economy, Digital Hub Mobility, Invest in Bavaria

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Mobility #London

03.05.2023: Mobility #London

In our London edition, together with our partner the Imperial College London, we showcased cutting-edge advancements in the field of mobility from the City that is so well known for its red buses and black cabs. The incredible mobility start-ups presented their inspiring solutions. Together, we celebrated the power of collaboration and ingenuity in shaping the future of mobility!

Partner: Imperial College London, Digital Hub Mobility, Invest in Bavaria

Website Header Enight Mobility Zuerich

Mobility #Zurich

19.10.2022: Mobility #Zurich

At this event, we provided a stage for the city of Zurich and its innovations in the field of mobility by inviting inspiring mobility start-ups and experts to present their ideas and developments with us. The great speech of the Consul General of Switzerland reminded us once again of how important partnerships are, especially in the field of startups.

Partner: BMWK, Invest in Bavaria, Digital Hub Mobility, Schweizerisches Generalkonsulat

Website Header Enight Mobility Europe

Mobility #Europe

04.05.2022: Mobility #Europe

Mobility is a rising challenge nowadays! The International Entrepreneurs' Night aims to be a platform for the future of mobility and present our cities capable of meeting the challenges of the future. In this edition, we got inspired about how to face challenges like the climate situation and the decreasing traffic areas.

Partner: BMWK, Invest in Bavaria, Digital Hub Mobility, EIT Urban Mobility

Website Header Enight African European Special Edition

Special Edition #Africa

19.11.2021: African European Special Edition

This edition, we focused on Africa to explore wha we can learn from the Digital Skills Accelerator Africa as a partner of our African European Digital Venture Program. We learned about local solutions from startups in Ghana and Rwanda, who participated in this year’s AEDV program and received mentorships from DSAA partner companies.

Partner: German Cooperation, Invest for Jobs, GIZ, KfW, DSAA

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Smart Cities #Copenhagen

08.07.2021: Smart Cities #Copenhagen

Copenhagen makes us think directly about modern Scandinavia, known for its hygge lifestyle. Nowadays it’s also known for their innovative city planning and implementation.This edition gave us insights about new forms of collaboration, what we can learn from BLOXHUB in Copenhagen and how Munich is approaching Smart City solutions.

Partner: BMWK, Invest in Bavaria, BLOXHUB, DTU Skylab

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Smart Cities #Canada

25.03.2021: Smart Cities #Canada

As a major automotive producer and home to leading North American tech hubs, Canada is a unique North American nexus of the two industries. Together with the Canadian Tech Accelerator we took a close look on six promising start-ups and their ideas for service and product applications for the automotive sector.

BMWK, Invest in Bavaria, Canada, Canadian Technology Accelerators

Website Header Enight Singapore

Smart Cities #Singapore

20.07.2020: Smart Cities #Singapore

Have you ever been wondering how one of the top tech areas in the world solves its big city challenges? The city-state Singapore shared its take on turning a crisis into an opportunity for cities worth living in. Our guests provided insights into the latest trends in urban innovation and why start-ups remain relevant in unprecedented times.

Partner: BMWK, Invest in Bavaria, SG Singapore, Enterprise Singapore, EDB Singapore, Scaler8

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Smart Cities # Paris

04.02.2020: Smart Cities #Paris

The Paris edition welcomed our friends from Paris to Munich to shaere insights on the latest trends in urban innovation in the French capital. Together with the HEC Incubator we invited Parisian startups from the fabulous startup campus Station F to pitch their ideas that are making our urban lives healthier, greener and simply more sustainable.

BMWK, Invest in Bavaria, HEC, AHK Frankreich

Website Header Enight Amsterdam

Smart Cities #Amsterdam

09.07.2019: Smart Cities #Amsterdam

Creating better cities, neighborhoods and streets. This is the mandate Amsterdam has been pursuing successfully for years. Which is why we shed some light on the cities developments. We discussed how to create cities that we truly love to live in and listened to startup pitches from our partner ACE Amsterdam Center for Entrepreneurship.


Website Header Enight Stockholm

Smart Cities #Stockholm

14.11.2018: Smart Cities #Stockholm

By 2040, Stockholm wants to be the world’s smartest city. For this edition, we partnered up with KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden’s largest technical and engineering university. Five tech startups from the Scandinavian startup-hub Stockholm specialists in the fields of machine learning, hardware development, AI and VR presented their ideas.


Zukünftige Termine

Zukünftige Termine:

International Entrepreneurs' Night Mobility im Frühjahr 2024

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