Eventheader Female Leadership in mobility sector

Join us for an online meet-up to discuss about female leadership in the urban mobility sector!

Women in Urban Mobility is a joint project of UnternehmerTUM Munich, Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Carnet Barcelona and Junior Achievement Bulgaria, funded by EIT Urban Mobility.

Our vision is to create a unique network of urban mobility experts across Europe and raise awareness for female perspectives and gender equality in the urban mobility sector.

On October 20 you will get inspired by our guests from mobility companies, start-ups and an expert in "Female Leadership".

We will discuss the following questions: What is Female Leadership? How attractive is the mobility sector for female talents and what can be done to make it more attractive? How do start-ups tackle leadership?


  • 5 pm: Open doors, get to know Remo, networking
  • 5.15 pm: Welcome, Introduction of project Women in Urban Mobility
  • 5.30 pm: Key note
  • 6 pm: Panel Discussion with Q&A
  • 7 pm: Networking

We are looking for local and international (m/f/x):

  • Professionals
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Students and scientists
  • Decision makers
  • Anyone interested in the gender perspective in urban mobility

Benefits for participants:

  • Professional networking
  • Exchange of experiences and know-how
  • Gain visibility as player in the local network
  • Gain awareness on the topic of “Women in Urban Mobility”

NOTE: The meet-up will take place in Remo to provide some networking before and after the input sessions. You will need to sign in on Remo.co (1min time) to join us for the meetup! Please check out this link for more information on how REMO works (don't worry it's very intuitive and easy to use!).

Monatliche Updates

Eure Prise Gründungskultur: Bleibt up to date mit Neuigkeiten aus dem UnternehmerTUM-Netzwerk und Veranstaltungstipps und erfahrt von Start-ups, die aktuell durchstarten.
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