FPE Batch 1 Key Visual 1000 550 px UTUM Events
Virtual Event


Our XPLORE Batch #3 2021 invites you to the crowning conclusion of an exciting 3 month programme. It was an exciting batch, also for us, out of over 100 applications and over 50 entry gate pitches, 24 promising start-up teams made it into our batch. In addition, we matched 17 highly motivated talents from all over the world with our teams. Over 20 coaches helped our teams out with their expert knowledge and over 60h of input sessions, workshops and peer group sessions are behind the teams. Awesome! Are you curious about the results? We can tell you it's worth it!

At the Final Pitch Event on January 27, 2022, our teams will pitch live virtually in front of you. In addition, there will be the opportunity to evaluate the performance in parallel via a live evaluation tool and thus actively participate. All teams will receive the evaluation afterwards to further sharpen their skills. At the end, of course, there will be plenty of time for networking, exchanging "business cards" and celebrating successes.

Are you ready to see motivated teams, stand-out pitches and brilliant ideas from the stretch on? Then join us and register now!


16.00 START

16.05 INTRO


16.10 START PITCHES (3 mins pitches)


19.00 Wechsel REMO/ZOOM & INTRO


20.15 ENDE

Would you like to be part of the highlight event of XPLORE Batch #2?

At this Final Pitch Event on Tuesday, June 28, the start-ups that have been part of our program will present their ideas during a three-minute pitch.
This Batch #2 2022, has been packed with innovative projects, creative talents, and inspiring coaches. We are proud to finalize a journey that started with a matchmaking process between ambitious founders and motivated talents, where venture ideas were discussed, shaped, and developed. Our participants engaged in over 70 hours of input sessions, hands-on workshops and feedback sessions with experienced coaches, all to encourage better understanding and presentation of their business idea.

The result: new, advanced technology and concepts in the fields of Healthcare, Built Environment, Engineering / Robotics AI, Food/Agro/BioTech, and Software/AI.

Do you want to learn more about the teams, celebrate success, or even become part of the next XPLORE Batch yourself? Join us and register now!

The OnePager booklet is available exclusively after registration in the participants' area of the event.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022


Moderated by Kaeleigh Fletcher

3.00 pm - Start

3.05 pm - Welcome & Intro

3.25 pm - Start-up Pitches - Group Healthcare

3.36 pm - Start-up Pitches - Group Built Environment

3.46 pm - Start-up Pitches - Group Engineering / Robotics AI

3.57 pm - Start-up Pitches - Group Food / Agro / BioTech

4.05 pm - Coffee Break

4.15 pm - Start-up Pitches - Group Software / AI

4.50 pm - Closing

5.00 pm - End