Technical University of Munich (TUM) and UnternehmerTUM offer students, scientists, and start-up entrepreneurs a unique infrastructure to successfully build up their business: comprehensive qualification from the initial seed of an idea to the growth phase – since May 2015 the new Entrepreneurship Center at Campus Garching hosts a venue to combine its services under one roof. Academic chairs from the TUM Entrepreneurship Research Institute (ERI) round out the alliance between practical application, research and teaching.
TUM. The entrepreneurial university
TUM inspires and enables its students, scholars and alumni to think and act entrepreneurially. It does this by systematically developing and supporting spin-offs. TUM’s objective, as an internationally competitive research organization, is to transform the findings of its top researchers into sustainable profits for society. With its vision “TUM. The entrepreneurial university”, TUM was successful in the Excellence Initiative, and was thus awarded the title of "University of Excellence".
From invention to innovation: As an entrepreneurial university, TUM’s market-oriented approach TUMentrepreneurship fosters a supportive environment for innovation.
TUM start-up consulting
The TUM start-up consultants support students and academics of the university in all major fields and phases of their start-up – from initial idea to successful establishment in the market. Furthermore, it provides access to the entrepreneurial network of Technical University of Munich and UnternehmerTUM. The start-up consulting is a combined offer of TUM and UnternehmerTUM. For an initial consulting, please register via our form Inquiry for initial consulting.

The TUM Entrepreneurship Research Institute (ERI) generates new and cutting-edge knowledge on the functioning of entrepreneurial individuals, teams, and organizations. In doing so the ERI draws on interdisciplinary perspectives from business, economics, and psychology. Based on this new knowledge, the ERI offers a wide range of lectures, seminars, project studies and final theses to TUM students. In addition, the ERI transfers new knowledge to the entrepreneurial and business communities through multiple cooperations with start-ups and established organizations.
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