How has the innovative drive of German companies been keeping up during the Corona pandemic? Are digitization projects being implemented more enhanced? The UnternehmerTUM Business Creators team wanted to know exactly and specifically surveyed more than 50 cross-industry companies from the UnternehmerTUM ecosystem.
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The statements show that, among other things, the topic of sustainability often becomes a luxury problem in times of crisis. Many companies suddenly switch to a kind of survival mode. Sustainability is therefore not one of the top five topics that ensure the prosperity of a company. The situation is similar with digitization and innovation projects: Although many companies attach great importance to innovation and digitization and have integrated them into their core business, budget cuts for the coming year will affect precisely these areas. This shows that a sustainable innovation and digitization culture has not yet been established.
What disadvantages result from budget cuts and rash actionism? In times of crisis, companies plan on a very short-term basis in the belief that this will enable them to remain capable of action. Innovation and digitization projects should remain as calculable as possible. During the Corona pandemic, the focus shifted to rapid implementation of home office or the digitization of processes - to the detriment of core objectives such as customer loyalty or the adaptation of the business model. Now, at the latest, companies should seriously consider anchoring innovation firmly in their corporate culture and pursuing and expanding on the positive experiences, especially in the area of digital leadership.
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